I've been really busy of late, not much time for blogging. Things will be back to normal next week.
In the meantime, watch out for this little development via Juan Cole:
If the US is allying with Iran against the Sunni insurgents and al-Qaeda, this is a very major development and much more important than some carping over Shiite militias. (My guess is that 98% of American troops killed in Iraq have been killed by Sunni Arab guerrillas). If the report is true and has legs, it will send Saudi Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal ballistic. The Sunni Arab states do not like "al-Qaeda" in Iraq, but they are much more afraid of Iran than of the Iraqi Sunni Arabs who are fighting against US military occupation.Having the Saudi's more angry than they already are will have consequences. But so will not talking to Iran.
It's the whole Iraq mess in a nutshell.
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