Book Em' Danno
The legal eagles are weighing in. Clearly, it appears that Congress' best option if Bush/DOJ refuse to prosecute their contempt citation is to have the Sgt. At Arms arrest Harriet Miers:
Instead of referring a contempt citation to the U.S. attorney, a house of Congress can order the sergeant-at-arms to take recalcitrant witnesses into custody and have them held until they agree to cooperate -- i.e., an order of civil contempt. . . . So, far from being defenseless against the president's refusal to prosecute or the threat of presidential pardon, Congress could take into its own custody defiant administration officials who refuse to cooperate with legitimate inquiries into executive malfeasance. Those targets would have the right to seek writs of habeas corpus from the federal courts, but as long as Congress could show a legitimate need for the information it was seeking pursuant to its legislative oversight functions, it would be standing on solid legal ground.Remember, this could include Karl Rove, Dick Cheney, Josh Bolten and any other White House officials who can't show sufficient cause why they should not be compelled to testify.
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