Friday, July 6, 2007

A Wet Rant

I went to Costco yesterday .......

I care about the planet. I care about global warming. I'm trying to cut back on energy use. I bought a hybrid, don't run the A/C, have cut back on water use, compost yard waste and recycle like crazy.

But then I go into Costco, a generally liberal friendly retailer, and watch people carting cases and cases of bottled water out the door. Yes, bottled water. Now, just how much energy does it take to get water .... WATER .... into a plastic bottle (a petroleum product) and then ship it to all those Costco's? And I'm not even talking about the millions of other retailers that sell water.


The U.S. has the cleanest, most abundant water supply in the world. And yet we purchase literally millions of bottles of water each year. And by-the-way, testing has shown that much of the bottled water is no cleaner (and sometimes dirtier) than tap water.

It just goes to show how cheap energy has really been. When a business can sell water worldwide for a relatively low price and make a profit, energy is simply too cheap. We're subsidizing such nonsense via the cost of global warming and pollution. It makes no sense at all and the price for the luxury is going to apparently be very high.

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