Friday, August 24, 2007


I obviously can't speak for anyone but myself. But given the news of the last few days including Hillary's continuing ghostly ethereal-like positions on the war, and given Congressional approval ratings, I've got to wonder if John Edwards new message might resonate with voters?:

John Edwards yesterday introduced a new stump speech -- and with it a renewed focus on Democratic rivals Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama -- as he kicked off a four-day bus tour through New Hampshire.

Edwards's more pointed argument that he is the Democrat who can really bring change to Washington is being made at a time when the central debate of the nomination race has been Obama's discussion of change against Clinton's talk of experience.

The Edwards camp suggests that Obama, in his first term in the US Senate, is inexperienced, and Clinton, a New York senator and a wife of a former president, is too tied to special interests to deliver change.

"Real change starts with being honest, and I want to say something again: The system in Washington is rigged, and I'll say it again, it's rigged and it's rigged by greedy powers," Edwards said at Dartmouth College in what was billed as a major speech by his campaign. "It's rigged by the system to favor the establishment."

Sounding pretty good just now.

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