Thursday, October 11, 2007

Turning The Clock Back

This would be the epitome of conservative:

The LAT fronts a look at how women students at the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary can earn credit toward their bachelor's degrees by taking classes in homemaking. The seminary is even building a model house to better teach women "how to set tables, sew buttons, and sustain lively dinnertime conversation." More moderate Southern Baptists disagree with the seminary's vision ("we're confusing 1950s culture with the teaching of Scripture," one pastor said), but the students say they're happy with the program. "My created purpose as a woman is to be a helper," a 19-year-old student said. "This is a college education that I can use."
I guess if this kind of thing floats your boat, go for it. I'll not necessarily turn my nose up these kinds of values. But I will get highly agitated when these types of individuals try to influence government and laws to require all of us to adhere to 1950's standards.

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