Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Kangaroo Leather

I'm an avid animal lover. I just became aware of an incredibly barbaric practice and legislation that is up for a vote in California. The PETA blog has details but the short story is this.

S.B. 880 will make it legal to sell kangaroo skins in California. This practice has been banned since 1970. The California Senate Natural Resources and Wildlife Committee passed the bill on May 8, allowing it to move forward to voting by the full Senate. Please help stop SB 880 and protect kangaroos by signing the petition: Let the California Chamber of Commerce know that you oppose SB 880 and will leave California out of your future travel plans if this bill is passed.

If you need any inspiration, the PETA blog has video of a kangaroo being killed (almost), the joey ripped from her pouch and stepped on, and the kangaroo being hung on the side of a truck, still alive. It took my breath away. I couldn't finish watching it.

If you are a resident of California please make your voice heard.


Greyhair said...

I personally know two people who will be voting on this. I will be giving sending them personal emails.

Greyhair said...

Make that three ....

Lynne said...

Thanks, Greyhair.


Lynne said...

Thanks, Greyhair.

Goddamn. Make them watch the video.