Thursday, November 1, 2007

Oil Watch

This really is astounding:

The blue line of 05-06 is the typical yearly pattern. As you can see there's a cycle with prices rising during the "driving season". The red line which is the current year is bucking that trend.

A short term aberration or a sign of a long term change in the oil/gasoline markets? No one knows yet. I suspect there's a whole lot of speculative activity that is responsible for part of the change. But not all of it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What struck me was not the idea that the pattern has changed. After all, we all know that after 9/11 everything changed.

No, it's the idea of the driving season. It occurs to me that maybe we drivers should stock up on gas when prices are cheapest. You know, like buying clothing off season to save money, or freezing and canning when produce is available in plenty. Just being good, prudent, wise consumers.

Can you see an ambitious entrepreneur setting up a business in home gasoline storage tanks and pumps? :-)