Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Libby's Angry

Catch this:

Robert Novak writes: “Bush is blamed by friends of Libby for losing control of the Plame investigation by putting it in the hands of a special prosecutor — the U.S. attorney in Chicago, Patrick Fitzgerald. In his decision sparing Libby jail time, Bush did not say a word of criticism about Fitzgerald.”
I swear. When stuff like this happens, or you get guys like Duncan Hunter on the teevee talking about what a great Amurikan Ann Coulter is, I feel like I live in a different dimension, an alternate universe if you will.

I've experienced being in highly dysfunctional relationships. I've also studied the subject extensively. And I tell you, our country feels like one of the sickest families I ever studied. The way some of these conservatives see the world is literally 180 degrees away from what I see. I keep waiting for the country to right itself. I guess I'm assuming I'm at least sorta in the direction of "right", but at times I begin to wonder (a normal part of the crazy-making of our national family). So, I guess we're just left with a wait and see in terms of the only way Americans can really express their political values ..... elections. Then I guess I can make further conclusions about my own insanity.

Update: Digby enters the alternate universe so you don't have to, and let's us know what's happening:
I just saw the Fox Allstars practically pole dancing over this, saying outright that Libby's pals are going to pay his fines for him and that he'll have no problem finding work. High fives all around. They got so excited that they forgot they were supposed to be all dour and somber over the horrible, awful punishment that poor little Scooter is going to have to endure even though he isn't spending a day in jail.

Joe DiGenova on CNN just spent what seemed like a half hour saying over and over again that Libby was a great American and the next step is an investigation into prosecutorial misconduct by Patrick Fitzgerald and hopes that more will come out during "the appeal." Patrick Fitzgerald is about to see his career permanently destroyed by these scumbags.

This is a very, very depressing day, even though we knew it would happen in one way or another. It's just a continuation of this administration's complete disregard for the law and their belief that they are entitled to special treatment because, well, they are just, so special.

Bush has just slapped a jury, four Republican judges, and the American people right in the face and blatantly instigated a cover-up of his illegal acts by giving his former aid amnesty. And the hits just keep on coming.
Update II: Steve Benen brings up a very good point:
Quite right. Yesterday's decision, as offensive as it is, brings the leak scandal into the Oval Office -- even more so. It necessarily gives the impression that Libby lied and obstructed justice in order to shield Bush and Cheney from their role in an even bigger crime. Even now, it's frustratingly unclear why, exactly, Libby decided to lie so brazenly, which suggests that he's covering up a more serious matter that might involve his only two WH bosses (the president and vice president). Amnesty only exacerbates these suspicions
There really wasn't any doubt that Bush committed a criminal act in the entire Plamegate thing. But this is enough circumstantial evidence to prove it. Why not let Libby serve a couple of weeks and then commute? No. Libby holds the cards and called the play. Bush is obstructing justice to cover his and Cheney's asses.

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