Tuesday, July 31, 2007

O'Hanlon/Pollack Follow-Up

We had another instance of the steno media eating up a story on Iraq without any critical examination. The subject is the op-ed (emphasis on opinion) in yesterdays WaPo by supposedly "harsh war critics" O'Hanlon and Pollack. I think Greenwald (via Atrios)sums it up pretty well.

I spent yesterday and today reading through virtually all of the writings and interviews of these two Brookings geniuses over the past four years concerning Iraq. There is no coherence or consistency to anything they say. It shifts constantly. They say whatever they need to say at the moment to justify the war for which they bear responsibility. It is exactly like reading through the writings of Bill Kristol, Tom Friedman and every other individual who flamboyantly supported this disaster and -- motivated solely by salvaging their own reputations -- are desperate to find some method to argue that they were right.
Go read the Think Progress link above. Out of nine major media appearances, there was minor scrutiny of the op-ed in ONE.

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