Wednesday, September 5, 2007

One Plus One

Everyone knows that Bush wants to bomb Iran into the stone age. And everyone also knows that the army has been making nice with Sunni's in Iraq to counter "al Qaeda". What's that add up to?

If/when Bush attacks Iran, he's going to have a bit of a problem with Iraqi Shiites at the back door who are sympathetic to Iran.

So, if one plus one still equals two, could it be that the Sunni tactics are part of an overall strategy to return them to power in Iraq as a bulwark to Iran? It's really the strategy that makes most sense given the regional loyalties (can you say Saudi Arabia?) and the overarching need to protect Israel.

If so, Bush is on the verge of throwing more gasoline on top of the civil war flames in Iraq, with American troops still caught in the middle. Well, not the middle. Afterall, at that point we're on the Sunni side fighting the vast majority of the Iraq population.

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