Friday, September 7, 2007

Wanker Of The Decade

If you ever doubted that Christopher Hitchens is a complete asshole, check this out:

The CIA had long thought Chalabi was a liar. His outlandish claims that a liberated Iraq would surely recognize Israel and would welcome permanent US military bases on its land soured Powell and Armitage on him as well. Armitage became to wonder how the INC was spending the millions of dollars that State was funneling to it. When Chalabi was unable to produce receipts, Powell's deputy ordered an audit. While the State Department's Inspectors General, Clark Kent Ervin, was proceeding with the investigatoin, he received a call from a Chalabi friend. 'Would Ervin like to come to dinner at the home of journalist Christopher Hitchens and meet Chalabi?' the caller wanted to know.
Those big tough Republicans were so completely conned by Chalabi that it's not at all funny. And Hitchens was a willing enabler. I wonder what his cut was from Chalabi?

Another interesting aspect is Powell. Given his awareness of the situation, it's make it all the more specious that he went along with supporting Bush in going to Iraq. Gives a little insight into just what is "normal" in Washington.

If I were a military family and prone to lose of temper, I'd be ready to consider violence against Bush.

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