Thursday, May 10, 2007

Changed Position

The media is trumpeting a "change" in Bush's position on Iraq. The reports suggest that the Preznit is now willing to accept a bill with benchmarks.

I don't know. It all has a feeling of genuine administration shift. But we also know Bush well enough (and his addictive tendencies) to know that this could simply be another promise to stop drinking. Put another way, Bush may simply be playing for time, "bargaining" in AA parlance.

If I have to guess, I'd say it a play for time or Bush is hoping that, through negotiations with Republicans, he can sabotage any bill with language or ambiguity that let's him continue on his merry way. Frankly I cannot think of a single occasion where a "hopeful sign" from Bush actually materialized. I believe I'll stay in the "I'm from Missouri crowd" and need to actually see evidence of a real change before accepting the spin. I think Pelosi has it about right:

Pelosi said the president's remarks were meaningless unless he was willing to impose consequences.

"The president has long said he supports benchmarks. What he fails to accept is accountability for failing to meet those benchmarks," she said.
In the meantime, Republican watch continues. They are clearly feeling the heat. CW is that September is the latest they can still get out from under voting pressure in 2008. I'm not sure I agree with that as the displeasure with Republicans goes quite deep, deeper than just Iraq, although Iraq is the poster issue for that dissatisfaction.

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