Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Of Note

Parents and the media are all atwitter over stories like this one:

PITTSBURGH (AP) — A 15-year-old girl has been arrested for taking nude photographs of her self and posting them on the Internet, police said.
I've read of other instances of teens arrested for videotaping sexual acts as well. Combine new technology with our confusing culture, and you get this type of acting out.

But really. What do we expect? When the corporate media extolls the lifestyle's of over-indulgence, greed and avarice you're going to see it affect popular culture and particularly kids. With the likes of Paris Hilton getting more pixel time than any real young hero's or substantive content, it's inevitable that a lot of kids are going to try to be kool too. And in typical American Puritan reaction-formation style we'll then throw them in prison for life for this shocking behavior.

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