Thursday, July 12, 2007

We Agree!

George Bush said something in today's press conference that I whole-heartedly agree with:
Via Froomkin:

"Sometimes the debate over Iraq is cast as a disagreement between those who want to keep our troops in Iraq and those who want to bring our troops home," he said. "And this is not the real debate. I don't know anyone who doesn't want to see the day when our brave service men and women can start coming home. . . .

"The real debate over Iraq is between those who think the fight is lost or not worth the cost and those who believe the fight can be won, and that, as difficult as the fight is, the costs of defeat would be far higher."
It's true. I'll give the Preznit the benefit of the doubt that he would like to bring the boys home too. It's the cost-benefit relationship that is the basic issue.

Of course, this is where I (and everyone else except a few nutbars) disagree with the President. And I think the recent revelations, whether it be al Qaeda still in Afghanistan, the failures in Iraq, the lack of political solutions by Iraq leaders, continued terrorist attacks by now home-grown terrorists in Europe, all point to the undeniable fact that Bush's strategy has failed. Miserably.

So yes Mr. President. We all want the boys home. And none of us wants a terrorist attack. The question is this. Do we continue the insane policy (never forget the definition of "insane") of continuing to use aggressive military power to achieve those goals or do we try something else now?

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