Friday, August 24, 2007


Do we have to go through this again? John Warner has "come out" in support of "troop withdrawal". Really? What a bunch of bull.

Many Republicans have come out and said they favor some vague level of non-Bush strategy. But always remember this. It all means nothing until a vote takes place and that Senator actually votes against Bush. When push comes to shove, they've always found some mundane reason to avoid actually taking a stand. The belief by Senators that their public statements carry weight is simply ludicrious. Bush, and if you believe the polls relative to Congressional approval, the public aren't buying any posturing as meaningful.

So Mr. Warner, show me your vote, then you will have actually made some news. Anything else is simply primping and preening. And no one does it better than John Taylor Warner.

Added: Great minds and all that. It's funny to sit back and watch the conventional wisdom gel around the September report, it's all going so well! and al Maliki is the problem! and we're getting rid of him! so the new guy needs more time! Except it's really not all that funny. It's all just as predicted and pathetic. And the entire situation just sinks further into the mucky quagmire.

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