Thursday, August 23, 2007

If You Like That ....

If you like the previous post, check out this one:

The blog of a group calling itself Baptists for Brownback 2008 has launched a campaign called "Cry USE not RAPE." Their manifesto: "We have concluded that the acronym U.S.E. (Unplanned Sexual Event), when used regularly to replace the word 'rape,' will remove the stigma associated with this sometimes unpleasant situation. It is our mission to protect the innocent lives of the babies that are part of His plan and eliminate the excuses given by many women when a precious baby just isn't convienient [sic]."
How convienent. Talk about sping.....

1 comment:

Lynne said...

I'll bet you've counseled some rape victims who would consider the act as a bit more than an "unpleasant" event.

How much more stupid can humans get?