Thursday, August 23, 2007

Turning Over Iraq

We've said all along that we'd be turning over the country to the Iraqi's as they stand up. Right?

But I'm not sure they had this in mind:

In other Iraq news, the NYT fronts word that militants have taken over control over much of Iraq's electricity. Iraq's electricity minister acknowledged this reality during a news conference that was at least partly meant to tout the reconstruction efforts. When militants take hold of power plants they "can cause the entire system to collapse and bring nationwide blackouts," the NYT explains. The minister said militants sometimes want to cut electricity from Baghdad in order to weaken the government. But they also often refuse to share power simply because they want to keep it for their regions, which is seen as payback for the many years under Saddam Hussein when Baghdad always had power and provinces were left in the dark.
And this is with that successful escalation surge we've been hearing about.

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