Sunday, May 27, 2007

Compare and Contrast

This quote to the post I put up the other day by Spencer Akerman:

“‘In 2003, 2004, 100 percent of the soldiers wanted to be here, to fight this war,’ said Sergeant First Class David Moore, a self-described ‘conservative Texas Republican’ and platoon sergeant who strongly advocates an American withdrawal. ‘Now, 95 percent of my platoon agrees with me.’”
Update: Within two minutes, I ran across this:
"Before that fight, there were a few true believers." Captain Rogers said. "After the 29th, I don't think you'll find a true believer in this unit. They're paratroopers. There's no question they'll fulfill their mission. But they're fighting now for pride in their unit, professionalism, loyalty to their fellow soldier and chain of command."
Spencer Akerman is no conservative nutbar who's pro-war. He's adamantly anti-war. But his reports of troop morale are in distinct contrast to these two examples.

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