Thursday, May 31, 2007

Not Only Does He Have Cancer .....

Glenn Greenwald shows us Freddy and his wife:

And Glenn's caption?:

Social-Christian conservative Fred Thompson, who believes in traditional marriage (he's "pro-traditional-marriage"), is pictured below with his current wife -- 25 years younger than he, 4 years younger than his own daughter -- after the 2006 White House Correspondent's Dinner
No comment. The pic speaks for itself .....

Ok, I can't help myself.

I wonder if Freddy has taken his daughter wife to a purity ball? What is it with Republicans and these blondes?

And please, can we stop the media and it's march to describing Thompson as "folksy". Yeah, right:
Thompson, a former senator now starring on "Law & Order," had an un-folksy profession: Washington lobbyist. He represented a British insurance company, Canadian cable television, a savings and loan association, and Westinghouse. ... And, by the way, Thompson's presidential campaign is to be led by Tom Collamore, a former vice president of corporate affairs for the Philip Morris tobacco company.
Folksy like Conneticut frat boy Bush.


Anthropositor said...

I'm of mixed feelings about the candidacy of Thompson. As an independent I find myself wide ranging in my political perspectives.

Currently I have a picture of Ron Paul and the sign on his desk on my blog. As a maverick, he certainly seems more plausible that the rest of that crop.

But as to the picture of Thompson and his wife, I am hard put to figure out what is wrong with that.

The disparity in age is unusual, but certainly, much more extreme examples come readily to mind.

One of the perks of prominance... and I think the odds are sharply reduced that he will get his appendage polished while at the office.

I wonder what it cost the nation for the couple of years that took to dwell on such incidents in a previous administration?

Perhaps we should have some sense of proportion. Throughout the world, throughout history, the liaisons of leadership have been pretty common. Power is after all power.

Greyhair said...

As far as the trophy wife, there's nothing "wrong" with it, and I didn't say there was. But I do think it's instructive that a man his age would be hanging out with someone young enough to be his younger daughter while proclaiming himself a "social conservative" who panders to the religious right. Might indicate something about his sincerity or priorities and/or vanity, among other things.

There was nothing "wrong" with Clinton/Lewinsky either in a legal sense, but it sure was instructive about the personality of the guy (both for good and ill). And the American people were ok with it too. It was tight-asses in Congress who hypocritically trumped up that whole deal for political gain.

As far as Thompson as a candidate, make no mistake that Thompson is NOT a maverick. I agree that R. Paul is, but Thompson (despite the media hype you'll be hearing) is anything but an independent minded-folksy-ordinary kinda cowboy driving around in a red pickemup truck.