Saturday, June 2, 2007

It's the Economy Stupid

This is part of next week's news:

FBI officials said a new report, due to be released Monday, will show an increase of about 1.3 percent in violent crimes, including a 6 percent hike in robberies and a lesser increase in homicides. Competing explanations include escalating gang violence and an increase in the juvenile population. Much of the new crime was focused in urban areas; the Post off-leads with news that the Washington D.C. violent-crime rates spiked by nearly 9 percent last year.
It's quite simple. Overlay crime rates with real wage growth and employment and you'll find a distinct correlation.

Despite the headlines, the economy has not been stellar for most people. High paying jobs are being replaced with low paying service jobs, depressing real wages. Spending has been good, but done on borrowed money. The rich have definitely benefited, but that's a very small portion of the economy. It's not surprising that crime statistics will show an increase in crime as the economy continues to slide.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In North Augusta, South Carolina, the city advertised for a customer service rep. Over 180 people applied for that one job that pays in the neighborhood of $10 per hour.
That's the real world.
Lynne (too lazy to sign in)