Thursday, May 24, 2007

Dumboating Iran

We're rattling the sabres again today in the Persian Gulf. Full metal jacket "unplanned" military exercises are going on including air operation. I was struck this morning by the thought that this weekend would be a good time for a strike against Iran. Iran is likely hoping so as any attacks from the west will virtually cement the Iranian fundamentalist leadership in a strong position of domestic and international influence. If not an attack, then continuing these exercises is Dumboat diplomacy (shamelessly stolen from William Arkin).

I cannot believe that our leadership is so stupid as to assume that a show of military force is going to do anything other than strengthen the Iranian regime. The Iranians know they won't win a battle mano a mano, so the view of any American war ships is simply an excuse for a nice day on the beach. No, any war with Iran will look much more like Iraq today than WWII and they know it. Yet the Bushies continue to act as if we live in 1910 when everyone played nicey nicey with the rules of war. Frankly I'm surprised Bush hasn't ordered the navy painted white so it could be called "The Great White Fleet".

I know I shouldn't be, but I am continually dumbfounded at how little Republicans really understand about human nature and international relations.

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