Thursday, May 24, 2007

Here's An Idea

One of the most prescient posts I've seen on how to actually end the war:

Dem apologists are quick to blame the 'lack of votes' for passing a serious anti-war bill. What they really lack is a leader like Willie Brown - somebody who knows that the legislative process is only about money, and who has the balls and ability to wield the budgetary process to enforce party loyalty and crush the opposition.

I suggested such a starve the cronies strategy in January. Here is what the Dems need to do:

*Throw out all the existing big contractors (i.e. K&R, Halliburton, Bechtel) currently sucking down our bucks. Leave no crony on the payroll. Destroy the main Shrubya victory condition by robbing him of the booty.

*Review all the defense appropriations. Figure out which Repugs and wavering Dems are vulnerable. Take the bastards into a closed room and threaten to pull every dollar spent in their patch - cancel every weapons program, close every base, hell even close their fucking Confederate Historic Parks (One every two acres in the South) and throw the bubbas out of work, if they don't go along. This will help get those 'missing' votes. There need to be consequences for non-cooperation.

*Tie any war funding to Shrubya tax cut repeals. If the Repugs vote for it, they'll be voting in new taxes. Not good for their next election. Box them in and do some good at the same time.

If they were serious about stopping the war, they'd do it. There are still too many craven or compromised Dems on the Hill and I'm afraid Nancy + Harry not = Willie Brown.

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