Friday, May 25, 2007

I Like To Watch

Each Friday The NewsHour has the two pundits Mark Shields and David Brooks on for political analysis. I like to watch this segment because I think it's probably the most down-to-earth representation of conventional wisdom in Washington without a bunch of nutbars, screamers and cable teevee nonsense. Both Shields and Brooks are very mainstream, thoughtful, and can articulate the dissenting positions of the Washington left and right quite well.

Tonight I noted that, in discussing the war resolution, it was the impression of both that there is not a willingness by voters to "end the war". Thus Shields, the liberal, reflected the this-was-probably-the-best-they-could-get CW.


I'm not sure what poll they were referring to but all the polls I've seen reflect a voting public that wants the war to end. Not end precipitiously. I've not seen anyone suggests that the army just pack up tomorrow and withdraw. But rather for the start of the end to begin. And that's exactly what the Democrats sent to Bush and he vetoed it. It's a total red herring to argue that no one supports "immediate withdrawal". It's a gross rationalization and an incorrect assessment of what anti-war Dems have been trying to do.

The inside-the-beltway punditry have very thick heads. Much like cows. And it's going to obviously take much much more unrest, death, expense and loss in the international arena before these people get "it".

Update: Apparently I'm not the only one to notice this.

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