Sunday, June 10, 2007

George W. Soprano

Summer puts up a quote from an article showing us the similarities between the U.S. and the Soprano's:

Under our devoutly Christian leader, we are all highly moral. We have right and God on our side as we fight the evildoers. Except that, well, we’ve been feeling kind of weird. And, to tell the truth, we have a few skeletons in our closet.

Somebody whacked some of our crew, and we were scared, so we whacked Iraq. Just like Tony ordered the hit on Adriana. Steps were taken, as Sil would say. Except it turned out there were some unexpected consequences. We basically killed an entire country, and a whole lot of Americans, and people are dying all the time. And what are we doing? Nothing. We’re going to the Bada Bing. We’re having dinner at Artie’s. Same old same old. Everything’s fine. It’s just fine.
Yep. Just fine. Hey's let's go shopping for that new plasma teevee so we can see Paris when she's released!

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