Monday, June 11, 2007

Oh Jeebus

John Edwards, please have a chat with your blogging consultant. What is it about Swampland? It only ends up with uppity "centrists" who are really conservatives"

I have bitched and moaned for years about the lack of tolerance in the elitist wing of the Democratic Party, or what I refer to as the "Metropolitan Opera Wing". These are the people who talk of tolerance but the only true tolerance they ever exhibit is for their own pseudo-intellectual arrogance.

If you want a perfect example of how this "intolerance" is helping the Democrats lose national elections, check out the responses to Joe Klein's post on Paris and Libby. To be clear, I have no problem with incivility [utter and complete BULLSHIT apparently]. After all, I'm in the political business. However, as a pilgrim in the blogosphere, I thought blogging was for exchange of ideas, not personal attacks. Like his post or not, Klein in no way compromised the integrity of the fourth estate. This was not a news story. He was simply stating his opinion. Unless fourth estate integrity has been compromised, there is no rationale for calling him a "jackass", "fool", or "elite white guy".
That's a graf from his (remember, he's a Democrat) opening blog post encouraging an open dialog.

I really wish that someone would begin a "Blogging 101" class. These idiots who are supposedily on the liberal side continually do not understand that blogging is a very very public forum where anyone, I repeat ANYONE, (including not incidently Republican trickster or "trolls" as they're known) from entering comments in whatever form they choose. To then take that very narrow feedback and paint a very broad brush of the "elite left blogospher" is really nothing short of bigotry. What's the deal. Are all these political "leaders" and "pundits" thin skinned idiots?

I wonder.

Or is all this just a thin disguise for a southern Democrat who would embrace Joe Lieberman with a big wet kiss?

Gee, I wonder how his future posts will be greeted since he offered such a warm hearted welcome to his readers.

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