Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Let It Sink In

This is an exchange between and interviewer and Mike Huckabee, Republican nutbar for President:

Q: I read that you're against miniskirts.

A: If a person dresses provocatively, they're calling attention -- maybe not the most desirable kind -- to private parts of their body.

Q: What about a burka?

A: No, that hides everything. I think a person's hair, arms, shoulders, legs are an appropriate display of who they are. I want people to be attracted to me because they find me interesting, not because I'm wearing something ... well, I doubt I own anything provocative.

Q: How about a minskirt?

A: A thong.
Hmmmm. Let that sink in a minute.

1 comment:

Lynne said...

Sounds like one of the "she was raped because she asked for it" kind of guys.