Thursday, June 14, 2007

Is It Time To Dismantle The FBI?

They can't seem to do anything right:

Remember the report in March that said the FBI had frequently made errors, and potentially broke the law, while collecting personal information without judicial approval through national security letters? Well, the WP fronts an internal FBI audit that reveals the problem is much worse than initially thought. The audit found that these types of errors were made more than 1,000 times. And since the audit only looked into 10 percent of the national security investigations since 2002, the real number is likely to be much higher. Most of the violations were a result of agents keeping extra information they got from telephone companies and Internet providers. But in more than 20 cases, agents specifically requested information "that U.S. law did not allow them to have."
Just keep in mind that there is a plan afoot to create a "new" database with billions of records. As we're offered assurances that the data will be "safe", "protected" and civil liberties will "not be violated", remember this story.

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