Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Hypocrisy Watch

From Froomkin today:

President Bush made another pitch for his war plans on the South Lawn today. One of the many talking points he repeated was that politicians shouldn't overrule military commanders.

"To accept the bill proposed by the Democratic leadership would be to accept a policy that directly contradicts the judgment of our military commanders," he said today.

But moments later Bush took credit for spearheading a policy change that did precisely that. "Last November, the American people said they were frustrated and wanted a change in our strategy in Iraq. I listened," he said.

As it happens, however, Bush's "surge" plan was neither what the voters said they wanted -- nor what his commanders wanted. Bush overruled and then replaced his command structure, installing a team that supported his plan. See, for instance, this January Washington Post story.
I could write a long post every single day about some level of hypocrisy occurring in this administration. I'm getting to point of reading these stories and yawning. They're ubiquitious.

But, to the point. Aside from the hypocrisy that Froomkin is highlighting, I thought politicians/elected leaders were responsible for deciding strategy? My understanding of the American system is that military folks are responsible for the tactics of how to carry out policy dictated by President/Congress. So Bush, in attempting to score political points against Democrats, is basically making no sense.

I know I know. What else is new. But I think we've got to keep pointing it out, over and over and over and over .....

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