Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Librul Media

Kevin Drum on the Guiliani story of yesterday where it was discovered that Guiliani blew off his membership on the Iraqi Study Group:

A quick Nexis search shows that among the mainstream media, the New York Times wrote a short piece, and the Kansas City Star and Chicago Tribune carried brief blurbs. That's it. On TV, Olberman discussed it, but no one else.

I'm keenly aware that an awful lot of blog criticism of the mainstream media is basically just partisan sniping. But is this seriously not considered news? A guy who's running for president based on his reputation as a hero of 9/11 was given a seat on the highest profile group ever created to investigate a way forward in Iraq, but he decided it wasn't worth his time? He blew off James Baker and Lee Hamilton so that he could give speeches in South Korea and attend fundraisers for Ralph Reed in Atlanta? And the consensus reaction is a big yawn?
I don't know. I think Kevin might be a little tough on the media. After all, there was the competition of stories about John Edwards haircut, Bloomberg becoming unregistered and John Hinckley yesterday. Now THOSE are important stories.

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